Sunday, February 07, 2010

Texterity / Coverleaf

I've been a member of PMI (Project Management Institute) since 2005 and I received my monthly PM Network book this month through email.  I was surprised to receive it digitally as I've been getting the print copy for some time, although I do think that I changed my preferences lately. 

Something caught my eye about this digital book though... it was really nice.  The interface that was used was extremely friendly and well made.  I started to wonder if it was made with Adobe software and started doing some research.

What I found was that it was made / delivered by a product called Coverleaf, which is the flagship product for a company called Texterity.

I then started to check out the magazine titles that have signed up with Coverleaf and was very impressed.  I'm going to see if they have readers on other device platforms, but I was really impressed at the delivery of the content.  It's very easy to read, interact with and print sections and even share clippings on many of the social media sites!

Here is a sample edition of Fast Company delivered by Coverleaf.

Kudos to Texterity for making such an easy to use interface!  I can definitely see many more print publications using this format for electronic delivery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the kind words. We're pretty proud of Coverleaf and our reading experience. But we see it as just the beginning of the mobile digital magazine. We'll be out of the iPhone very soon and then the iPad, Android and other mobile platforms after that. Until then, keep clipping and sharing in Coverleaf.
