Monday, October 25, 2010

Direction, Focus and Progress

Similar to this image, topics on this blog have been all over the place.  I'm thinking of taking some of this in a new direction and perhaps breaking off very topic focused blogs for each area I like to discuss.  Lately I've been feeling like my life is a little bit of the same, so I guess I'll just chalk it up to life - imitating art.  :)

I've been wondering where I want to spend my energy lately and it's important that I figure it out so that I'm not spending time on things that don't matter or don't allow me to progress in some forward motion.

I recently signed on with a publishing company as a Technical Reviewer for some upcoming web technology titles, which is exciting and will definitely take some of my time.  Other than that - I could spend my time on many other of my creative pursuits that I've mentioned over the years on this blog.

  • I would really like to spend some time and get my photographs organized and complete my 2010 Photography goals.
  • I would also like to make good progress on the book that I want to write.  I have a goal of having 100 pages before the end of year.
  • I still have unfinished t-shirt and hat designs that I want to get ready and market through Zic Apparel, I also have an interesting idea for a watch design.
  • Let's not forget that I'd really like to continue writing lyrics and using any available options to communicate through music.

On top of all of this I find that I have a strong desire for education and self-discovery through reading and other outlets.  I find myself really enjoying all the new information and trying to figure out why the world is the way it is ... and even more enjoyable is seeing if I can use that new information to somehow help make it a better place or make me a better person.  These growth experiences have been quite fulfilling.

When I find myself with too many things on my to-do list, sometimes it's best to take a step back and organize them into smaller chunks.  I take some of my Dale Carnegie training and try to live in day tight compartments.

I think it may also be time to revisit one of my favorite reads, "Getting Things Done", by David Allen.  This is a book I reach back to again and again to remind myself of techniques for setting priorities for tasks and making progress in getting them completed.

What is your favorite method for getting organized?

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