Thursday, March 24, 2005

Launching NADONweb

so.. I can't tell you how many times I've been told that I need to get a site up where I can have my portfolio of work. A place to call my own and list accomplishments, milestones and centralize some of the many things I like to call "hobbies"

The idea of NADONweb came to fruition about two weeks ago and I setup my home network to prepare for the launch of the new site. I grabbed all the domains that I could and I'm now ready to go. I sat down and thought about the design of the site and that's pretty much where I stopped.

I had the idea that it may be good to learn something new while putting this 'portfolio' site together. That "something new" is Fusebox and FLiP (Fusebox Lifecycle Process)

I'm going to post all that is the launch of NADONweb here, to document the thinking process and maybe help a few others out there grasp the processes and why they can be so good at helping us organize not only our thoughts but what to do next, our to do list.

I've read up quite a bit on Fusebox and FLiP, but I've never taken the time to use it on a project and NADONweb is the perfect place to test drive it. I'm hoping that I'll then be able to do the same for my other projects - such as Indie Sessions.

I'm starting with FLiP, since it is the methodology that can be followed when designing a Fusebox application. The nice thing about FLiP is that it can be used even if your designing a non-Fusebox application. I know that the lessons I take from FLiP will be of benefit to me in other areas - so I greet it with open arms.

Here is where I've started:

I've printed out the steps and I'm now working on Personas.

This should be an interesting project because I'm the client, the user, the project manager, the designer and the developer. I've got lots of roles to play... so here we go.

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