Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Skinning Components in Macromedia Flash MX 2004

Here is a great Developer Center article from Chafic Kazoun regarding different methods that you can use to skin your projects in Flash MX 2004. 

Check it out.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A little peice of inspiration for you...

I ran across this article through my searches today and it just hit home, so I wanted to share it with you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Church Music RIA

While browsing over at Dan Dura's blog I found this cool link to the LDS Church Music site. Be sure to check out the music player, this is one of the best web applications I've ever seen. I'd like to incorporate some of this stuff into xChange as I build it.. and seeing this makes me think that I have a long way to go! I'd really like to know who designed this site, so if you have any idea - drop me a line or comment.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Friday, July 09, 2004

Microsoft does well on the hot seat

An article from Internet News discusses how MS employees held up during barrage of questions in relation to IE's security issues in a recent chat. View the full article here

SysAdmin day - July 30, 2004

"The Sysadmin is a very special species of geek. The type of person that spends his or her day ensuring that *your* day at the office doesn't suck. Often mistreated by the suits and under appreciated by the folks they support, it's about time Sysadmins receive their own special appreciation day.

When is it?

Friday, July 30th!

What do you do?

Appreciate your sysadmin, lavish them with praise, monkeys, gifts, incense - whatever it takes to make them feel like the demi-gods they are. Are you a Sysadmin yourself? Then indulge in the sweet victory of your own day!

No, ThinkGeek didn't create this day, it's a legitimate appreciation day - go Google it! Keep reading to enter to win stuff and also get a free shirt this month at ThinkGeek as we send mad props to the Sysadmins of the world..."

Think Geek is one of the best places
for picking up all your geek needs!

Interesting Article regarding Microsoft's API war

Everyone else has blogged about this article, so I thought I would to....
let me know your opinions.


Friday, July 02, 2004

Brando dies at 80

Have to respect a man who was quoted as saying telling the truth about why he acted - for the money! "Acting is an empty and useless profession" Check out the full article on Yahoo here.
I did thoroughly enjoy his performances in "The Wild One" and "The Godfather".

Wanna start your own HotSpot?

You can do so, with little hardware cost using Public IP's Zone CD! Another great article from Wi-Fi Planet.
Find out how you could be up and running in no time here

WiMAX milestone

Interesting article on Wi-Fi Planet regarding the WiMAX standard which will bring wireless connectivity to a level of throughput that allows for much larger scale uses than 802.11.
Find the article here

Empower your team!

Microsoft has a way for you to really get involved with .NET development. They'll give you a great discount on their software, as long as you promise a deliverable software product within 2 yrs. I have decided to use this to complete the backend of the xChange project. Check the Partner initiative out here

"I'm going Platinum!"... even online...

Now you can score a Gold or Platinum album through digital sales.
Read the story here